Pearson Writer

Pearson North America

How can I easily manage my essay references and quotations wherever I am?

The Challenge

Teachers need classroom management tools that just work

The Pearson Writer team approached us to build a mobile-first solution for their product that gathers and manages literary references for student essays and dissertations.

The existing solution had the required functionality but was impractical in use, since research was conducted in libraries and places where

Design Highlights

  • Detailed discussions with the team helped us to understand the problem from their perspective. We then cross-referenced this with our own research.
  • A desktop and tablet design concept was initially produced by IDEO, which we evaluated and refactored using the mobile-first design methodology.
  • A full workflow was re-imagined, being quickly sketched out on paper and prototyped with the client and students locally.
  • These were then refined into interactive prototypes that were were generated using HTML and CSS.


The design work went on to be developed by the Pearson Writer team, and the Pearson Writer product is now available from Pearson.

Now available from Pearson as a mobile product

Mobile design sketches:

Working prototype screens: